Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday (almost the weekend!!)

Kendra was sick again at the beginning of the week. She had a high fever Sunday night and just didn't feel good. She threw up her juice on Tuesday morning, so we stayed home again (Monday Brent was off work anyways, so he was home with her). She was not feeling well most of the day, but at least she didn't throw up on me again!! I wanted to share some older photos today. I took Kendra to try out a tiny tots ballet class about a month or so ago. She's not quite ready for it yet, she wanted me to get up and do it with her and wouldn't really follow what the other kids were doing. She sat with them for a few minutes (while I got these pictures), then mostly sat on my lap the rest of the time. We did try a gymnastics class (actually 2 of them at different places). Those are parent participation, so she did a little better, but she's still a little to young & shy to try most things. We had fun, but I'm just waiting until I'm ready to spend the money on it for a weekly class (it's expensive!). Here are the two ballet class pics I got. The little girls were SO cute!

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