Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tooth #5 and a sick baby...

Tooth #5 came through on Sunday. Kendra was being a little cranky and would NOT go down for a nap. She was hanging out with Grandma Sandy and we could not figure out why she was being such a pain. After she left, I tried to feed Kendra to sleep because I knew she was very tired. She still kept acting cranky and I finally noticed that she has a new bottom tooth sticking through. A teething tablet helped her go right to sleep!

Now, I have a sick baby. She woke up multiple times Monday night, and woke up Tuesday morning with a fever. She was a happy girl all day with Grandma, then woke up a lot in the middle of the night again last night. She was up for an hour screaming last night, from about 1:30-2:30am. Now I feel like I am getting sick too. It sucks. It's bad enough being up with a baby and having to work, it's even worse feeling sick on top of being overtired and staying up with a baby. Thank you so much to Kendra's Grandma Sandy for helping me out!
Here is Kendra napping. She's so sweet and peaceful when she sleeps. This was last Thursday. She is such a handful now when she's awake! She will not sit still!
Here she is just ready to crawl. I'm telling you, anyday now she will be moving across the room!

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