Friday, June 27, 2008

On the move!

I am now not sure when or if Kendra will ever crawl. I keep feeling like she is *almost* there. Brent thinks she is just going to go straight to walking because she likes to get up to her feet. She is so close on her knees to crawling though, that I think she will figure it out very soon. Here is a picture of her trying to crawl (notice how she just reaches as hard as she can).

And here she is, SO happy to be standing (thanks to the help of Daddy):

She is now saying "da-da" too. And yes, I am very jealous. It started with her saying, "ba-ba-ba-ba-ba" and now is "da-da, da-da." Brent loves it. She'll get all excited and say it. He even says that she says "dad" and "daddy!" I repeat "ma-ma" when she says it, but we aren't getting anywhere! Now, here is a video of her trying so hard to crawl, then Dad helps her up:

Be patient while it loads, it's kind of a big file. You have to see it though!!

And here's a video to embarass Brent... because he deserves it:

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Ball

This is Kendra trying to crawl to get the ball at Big Gran's house over the weekend. Just wanted to share the pictures. I am tired, even though I have been falling asleep early with Kendra the past few nights. I'm ready for a nap right now. I am SO excited for Kendra's Hawaiian Tropics pageant this weekend. It is going to be a very exhausting day! We have check-in for the pageant at 8:45am and then a birthday party to attend right afterwards (we will probably be a little late, the party is at 10am-just in time for Kendra's nap!).

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's Tuesday

I'm getting bad at this! I have very good intentions, I'm just not doing so good at keeping up with the posts. Not much exciting has been going on either so that doesn't help. Last Friday, Kendra had a rootbeer float social at daycare with daddy for Fathers Day (they celebrated a week late!). Daddy shared his rootbeer float with Kendra, sounds like she really liked it! I gave her little pieces of bread at dinner, then Auntie Michelle gave her some watermelon that evening. Then Kendra puked in the middle of the night that night. I have no idea what did it though because she had so many new things. Here are a few pictures, just for my Grandma, who added her personal touch to this bib for Kendra.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I completely forgot to take a picture of Kendra's gift for her Daddy! I will have to do that later and add it. We went down to Lodi to hang out with my dad for fathers day (and the rest of my family). It was nice to hang out, barbecue and swim (well, I didn't get in deeper than my knees). Here is Kendra with her Dad on Fathers Day! And Kendra with Grandma, showing off her teeth. She got her 6th tooth this weekend!!

Here she is biting someone's hand (I can't remember who she was biting), and then her cousin Courtney decided to bite Kendra. There was some intense screaming after that!! Kendra from the pain and Courtney because she got put in time-out!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our Painting experience

This was from our finger painting experience over the weekend. Next time I will ask for help from dad and tape the paper down! If the slide show isn't playing (and it's asking for your email address), just hit the x on the top corner and it should start playing it again!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tooth #5 and a sick baby...

Tooth #5 came through on Sunday. Kendra was being a little cranky and would NOT go down for a nap. She was hanging out with Grandma Sandy and we could not figure out why she was being such a pain. After she left, I tried to feed Kendra to sleep because I knew she was very tired. She still kept acting cranky and I finally noticed that she has a new bottom tooth sticking through. A teething tablet helped her go right to sleep!

Now, I have a sick baby. She woke up multiple times Monday night, and woke up Tuesday morning with a fever. She was a happy girl all day with Grandma, then woke up a lot in the middle of the night again last night. She was up for an hour screaming last night, from about 1:30-2:30am. Now I feel like I am getting sick too. It sucks. It's bad enough being up with a baby and having to work, it's even worse feeling sick on top of being overtired and staying up with a baby. Thank you so much to Kendra's Grandma Sandy for helping me out!
Here is Kendra napping. She's so sweet and peaceful when she sleeps. This was last Thursday. She is such a handful now when she's awake! She will not sit still!
Here she is just ready to crawl. I'm telling you, anyday now she will be moving across the room!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

2 posts, 1 day

Since I haven't posted all week, I am stepping it up and posting twice today. I have come across a few articles that I HAVE to share. But don't worry, I'll add a picture of Kendra too to make it worth your time!

These two articles have caught my attention and I thought they would be nice to share, since I am breastfeeding Kendra still and plan to until she is 1 and can drink Cow's milk. Who knows what will happen at that point, maybe I will still breastfeed her at night at that point. Only time will tell. I know many people have mixed opinions on the issue, some share with me and others keep it to themselves. These two articles are very extreme, opposite extremes at that. The first one is here on lilsugar. It is about a Grandmother who tries to breastfeed her grandson... and gets caught by the mom! The second, here at Huffington Post, is a question from a Grandmother who can not understand why on earth her daughter-in-law would be breastfeeding her baby (on the baby's schedule and not being discreet). They are must-reads. It is crazy to me how controversial something so natural can be. If it's not for you, that's fine, don't do it (or don't look at me doing it). But why is it so hard for others to understand? And as gross as it is for the grandmother to try to breastfeed her grandson, I can actually kinda see why she would try it. She probably really missed that bonding experience she had with her own kid(s). I would love to hear your comments on this if you have them (Just click comment below).
These articles lead into a third. It is called the Granny manual (written by Madeline Holler)and lists some things Grandmother's need to know:
1. Breastmilk has it all, so don't refer to formula (or rice cereal, or strained peas) as "real food."
2. Two-week-olds who don't eat solids aren't starving.
3. Picking up a crying child won't spoil it. Rather, there's a good chance it'll shut him/her up (everybody's real goal, right?)
4. No, the baby won't fall out of the sling.
5. We know you didn't always use expensive, fancy, confusing restraint systems when we were babies, but cars back then were made out of steel, had lots of upholstery and, well, I'm the Mom. Sorry.
6. She'll be fine without a hat/sweater/blanket/stiff and outdated leather corrective shoes!
7. Not everything is related to tummy aches and gas.
8. I know you raised three kids without killing any of them, but let's not push your luck with mine.

Kendra did an art project at daycare yesterday. I feel like I'm missing out! I want to finger paint with her! It's not fair! I have been planning on doing it, I've just been waiting to make sure she's ready so I can just sit her down on a big piece of paper with some paints and let her have at it. I'll take pictures and share when I do it! Here is her art project from yesterday (it's hanging on my fridge, I took a picture of it). And Kendra ate some avocado last night (out of the mesh feeder). As she was eating it, I decided to try to feed her some prunes again (the puree stuff, by spoon) and she actually let me put the spoon in her mouth!! She ate about 3 or 4 bites, but it was progress!! She got tired and rubbed her face, smearing it on her cheek. And, naturally, gave me a cute little smile when I pulled the camera out!

Long Week

So I am lame for not posting all week. I just haven't gotten around to it. And I didn't take nearly enough pictures of Kendra over the weekend to be able to post all week. Okay, I didn't take any pictures of Kendra over the weekend because I had other stuff going on. I went to see Sex and the City with the girls on Friday night. Saturday night, Brent and I had a wedding to attend. Congratulations to Abbie and Ryan on their nuptials. They are now enjoying themselves in St. Lucia. Yes, I am jealous. They had a gorgeous wedding in Foresthill, and even Brent commented on the beautiful bride's dress (and the beautiful bride herself). Her dress was laced up the back in red and had some red rhinestones on the front-wish mine had that in pink! Here are the bride and groom:

And here is myself with Brent, patiently waiting for the bride to arrive before the ceremony.