Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Top Tooth!!

Kendra's top tooth has officially broken through the skin!! I could tell it was coming the last couple of days and it's out! She is such a good teether. She was happy all day Saturday and fussy Saturday evening (I was out and Brent thought it was because she wanted to be with me). She was happy all day Sunday, then fussy Sunday evening with me. Other than that she has been fine. The daycare said she has been fine there as well. She went to bed two hours (!!) early last night and slept all night. Well, she woke up once or twice and I just gave her the pacifier and put the blanket back on top of her and she fell back asleep. She had fallen asleep in her daytime clothes, so I am sure she was cold. I changed her diaper when I put her in her crib without really waking her and didn't want to risk waking her all the way up by changing her into pajamas. I am going to attribute her extra sleep to teething. She doesn't get runny poos or a fever when she gets teeth so I am throwing that idea out the window. (People always say that their kids get fevers and diarrhea when they are teething- I obviously don't believe it!)

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