Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another pic from Courtney's Birthday

Jana (my sister) sent me another picture. It's pretty cute (if I do say so

Back to School Night

Back to School night was last week. We got to tour all of the classrooms at Kendra's daycare/preschool and they had arts and crafts in each room. At the end of the evening, they did a raffle and gave out a few small prizes, and two bikes. There were a few very upset 4 year olds (the younger kids didn't really know any different-even though they saw the bikes and were excited about them). The poor little kids were just crying their eyes out! It was nice to meet the parents of the other kids that greet me each day as I drop off and pick up Kendra.

It was also nice to talk to the teacher in the 2 year old classroom that Kendra will be moving into soon. We got to learn about their routine and how they handle potty training and all that (there was another mom who's daughter will move about 3 weeks before Kendra-I think she's even more nervous about it than me!). In that classroom, the craft was to paint our hand prints on a piece of paper. I'll have to take a picture of ours to post (it's hanging on Kendra's bedroom wall), but here's a picture of her and Brent making it (I joined in later):

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


We took Kendra to Funderland on Sunday. We couldn't get her to go on anything, she was too scared. Brent and I took her on the Carousel and she freaked out, wouldn't let us put her on a horse. So we sat on a bench with her... the carousel started moving and she freaked out, clinging to me. They stopped the ride so we could get off!
Then Sandy came and met up with us. We walked around for a while trying to get Kendra comfortable enough to go on something. Finally, Sandy and Ruben got on the cars and Kendra decided she would go with Grandma:

Then, I went with her too:

Then, I took her on the log ride. She was very apprehensive, but did okay for the first part. Then the little log goes up (she started freaking), then it goes down and she started crying.

We walked around for a little while more, then I took her for one last ride on the cars:

Here we are being snakes... at least she had fun at something!!

I hope she gets braver for disneyland!! I want her to have fun and go on rides!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Courtney's birthday party

Courtney is 3!! Here are some pics from her party!

Kendra's Goldfish

I think I've mentioned before that Kendra is into "fishies." So, we bought her a few goldfish last weekend. It was so cute, we even let her feed them. Well, they didn't last too long. Fishy #1 died on Thursday and Brent put it down the garbage disposal!! Gross, I know! Fishy #2 and #3 were found dead on Saturday morning (they slept in Kendra's room on Friday night for the first time too). Those 2 went down the toilet, and Kendra watched (though not by my choice, she followed me in the bathroom and I couldn't get her to leave). Now when she sees the toilet, she says, "bye-bye fishies!" So funny... but it worries me for the next time we get fish! Brent thinks they died because there was no oxygen flowing through the water. I don't think that's why, I had a goldfish live for a long time in a bowl when I was little. I think it's because we let the bowl get dirty and didn't clean it out in time. Here's Kendra with her fishies! There are 3 in that bowl, they are hard to see in the picture.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day after John's Pizza

When we were at John's pizza, all the bigger kids took turns riding the little roller coaster. Kendra was probably just tall enough to ride, but she didn't want to go on it and I had a feeling she would cry anyway (it was kinda fast and jerky). She watched with Michelle as Amber and I took the other kids (the other kids had to ride with adults, because they were too little to go alone and Michelle is pregnant and couldn't ride). Colby, Colton, Morgan and Jordan are all pretty brave and rode with their arms in the air for part of the ride. So the next morning in the car, I made a hard stop (not slamming my brakes, just a little hard) and I hear Kendra go "whoa whoa." I look in the back and she puts her arms in the air and kept them up. At the next light, I had to pull my camera out to get a picture. It's funny that she noticed the kids were doing that on the ride and then she did the same thing the next day! (And notice the Wiggles shirt again... she refused to take it off-I had to fight her this morning so she wouldn't be wearing it to school 2 days in a row considering she also slept in it the last two nights!!)

John's Incredible Pizza

Kendra and I went to John's Incredible Pizza a few nights ago with Amber and Michelle and their kids. Most of these pictures show Kendra with Amber's daughters, Morgan and Jordan. The first is the girls right after they ate (Michelle's twins had already ran off to go play) and the second is of the girls climbing in the toddler play area. Had to coax Kendra into riding on the merry go round... she wasn't too interested at first, but after she saw the other kids ride it, she finally let me put her on it. She liked riding the little rockets with the girls though! We had a good time, but were out a little late for Kendra. She did good, but was just hard to put to bed once we got home! The last picture is of Colby, Colton and Jordan on the big kids ride.

Fishies and Doggies

So a week or so ago, Kendra was playing with the Wii remote, so I put on Brent's fishing game and we played it for a little while (she could actually cast the line!! and she holds down the button and can reel the line in-only thing she can't do it "hook" the fish, so she can't catch one on her own... but she still sees them swimming around). Now, she brings me the wii remote every once in a while and says "fishy" because she wants to play the fishing game. It's so cute.
So she was doing it last night right before dinner and I didn't want to put the game on, so I pulled out my ipod and showed her the fish I had on there (I have a game where you feed your fish and breed them and stuff). So she sat on the couch holding the ipod looking at the fish and moving them around (you can touch them and move them around in the tank). Then she started kissing my ipod (kissing the fishies). It was too cute. Then, she tells me she wants to see doggies. So I go on the internet (on my ipod) and search for pictures of dogs. She grabs the ipod from me again and starts kissing the doggies and getting SO excited. Really cute. Except for the fact that my screen on my iPod is all gross now from her slobber!
Here's Miss Attitude from one morning last week: